************************************************************************************************************************************Sorry, I'm not english well.Please propose a revised text.I'll update it https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ReVl1Ido2pK-r5woSOcbjIERDmcs69oNPv2ZagkM-OA/edit?usp=sharing************************************************************************************************************************************Welcome 2048 Knight!Thank you for visiting.
This game is based on the evolution in 2048.
Keep the rules in 2048.Additionally, the monster-hunting fun content.And the Knights will automatically attack the monsters.
Level up by the Knights Templar to challenge the bosses.
Operation is very simple.Just swipe up, down, left or right.And then merge into the same shape.This will automatically attack the monster.
Try right now!!!
2048 Knight gives pleasure to you.2048 Knight gives satisfaction to you.2048 Knight gives happiness to you.
Thank you.